In case you couldn’t attend the livestream of Erich’s Day, tune in here: OR
Erich Zawinul Passes from COVID-19
It is great sadness that the Joe Zawinul Foundation for Achievement announces the passes of Board Member Erich Zawinul. Erich, was the middle son of jazz giant Joe Zawinul and himself highly active in the music industry, succumbed all
Erich Zawinul Passes from COVID-19
Erich Zawinul died of COVID-19 The concert promoter, DJ and son of jazz musician Joe Zawinul was 54 years old February 12, 2021, 11:14 The Viennese music scene mourns the death of Erich Zawinul. The concert promoter, DJ and son
Congrats Fredi Lipgens, 2018 Austrian “Z” Award Winner
The Zawinul Foundation for Achievement is happy to introduce singer/songwriter/guitarist Frederic Lipgens as this year’s Austrian “Z” Award winner.
2017 Z Award Ceremony Photo Album

2017 “Z” Award Success!
The 2017 “Z” Award Ceremony went wonderfully! There were outstanding performances from past students, great speeches from the award recipients, and an incredibly positive and celebratory atmosphere! Thank you so much to our sponsors, volunteers, production team, students, families, friends,